Mountains let us know how big we can be and how far we can go. God gives us mountains to break out of the low life, the second best life we create by nature. The mountains before us let us know that the other side to this is the other side of that!
The Mountain wont be there all the time but it may the there right now. Now is not the time to avoid the challenge but to embrace it. what you do with your mountain determines how you will live the other side of tomorrow. Seize the challenge no matter how big or uncomfortable, it may appear. If it’s bigger than you then the challenge is from God and God will be at the peak waiting for you when you reach the top.
Let your mountain moment be your mounting moment. You are bigger than that which is before you.
Praise the Lord brother Paul, just got the link for this great post:) Not to many nights ago my lovely wife had a dream one of her old bible teachers she highly respects told her in the dream “keep going up the mountain” and in the dream we did and at the top all of our needs were met. Great and encouragering post. Have a great day and may the Lord continue to bless your life in Jesus’ mighty name.