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Learn to do good: Seek justice; Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless: Plead for the widow. (Isaiah 1:17 NKJV) This verse fascinates me. It’s simple yet its also profound. In todays competitive online environment, so much attention is placed on “
being good” yet the Lord tells us here to “
do good.” Being good often leads us to an unhealthy competitiveness which should have no part in our ministry as brothers and sisters.
“Doing good” is better than “being good” because to do good I have to bless you, rather than compete with you. Doing good makes you the leader and lets me know that when I can’t be better, I can do more. It also tells me that today’s leaders are not those out ahead of everyone else but those who in helping others are doing, what is good.
Doing good, is simply this, Its helping orphans that have no guardians and defending widows who may not know their rights. If I can seek justice for you, rebuke your oppressor, defend you as a young man and plead for you as a widow, that’s “doing good.” and to me that’s better than being the best in the world!
Just a thought.
Well said.
Hello Brother Paul.
Wow!!!… This says it all in a nut-shell… Jesus said that those who would lead must first serve and he demonstrated this by becoming a servant of all with no fan-fare, recognition or accolades…Also, he said he only did what the father told him to do… and everything that he did was “Good”…Awesome Post!!!… and quite Thought-Provoking!!!Thanks Paul!!! :)(Sharing!!!)