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Hushai was David’s counsellor. Counselling too is a matter of covenant where two men seek answers to life’s biggest challenges from friends that are closer than brothers. We all need a Hushai in our lives.Hushai had gone through the process of trust building with David. he had gained the title of “David’s friend.” 2 Samuel 15:37) It don’t sound like much but To be a friend of a king? lets fact it which one of us are friends with any of todays Kings? He was also known as the kings companion
Covenant adds depth, height and breadth to a thing. Covenant adds
foundation and makes agreement powerful.
In the Hebrew friend means “obligation” there is no friendship outside obligation for the other. When David was forced to abandon the throne because of Absolom he had two high ranking counsellors with him. Ahithopel and Hushai. Hushai was the change agent that prevented the the throne being taken over by Absolom. The principle is powerful, The communicated anointing is one of a king, You have the anointing to subdue enemy takeovers and restore Goldy men to their throne, Find a king, a man of God,a king and share secrets of counsel from God’s word on higher levels. That’s the spirit of counsel, the power of kingly covenant