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The secret, buy what you will value long term and will love six months, twelve months from now. You’ll feel better for wearing quality clothes, more often look better in the crowd, and each time you step outside the door you won’t feel like a drag.
Rember the days when yo were told “keep your clothes for sunday best?” Well you dont have to do that
any longer. You can look good everyday. In fact its essential you do to
boost your confidence enhance your self esteem and better you life.
I’m convinced looking good is the first step
to thinking good, about you and then about the world around you.
Buy British! Buy local that way you can help the economy too, by
helping folks who have great skills keep producing great British goods.
In the long term even everyday folks who buy only British are very much
investing in job security for their children and grand children too!
1. Joseph Cheaney and Sons: Quality Sho
2. Cooper and Stollbrand:
3. Mackenzie and George: Belts
4. Bags
5. Privatewhitevc: Iconic British Menswear: (Manchester).
6. Peregrine: Knitwear and Jackets (Aberdeenshire).
7. Hiut: (Cardigan, Wales) Read the story here in the Independant
If you know of other things made by small biz in UK leave a link
Remember the
days you were
“Keep those
clothes for
sunday best!”
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